Cum să faci lapte de ovăz care spumează


Making oat milk that froths is a simple process that requires only two ingredients: rolled oats and water. Additionally, a blender is necessary to blend the oats and water together into a smooth, creamy milk. There are no preservatives or artificial ingredients, so the milk made from this recipe does not contain emulsifiers or thickeners, which can cause milk to froth.

Rolled oats, or old-fashioned oats, are a type of oat grain grown in temperate climates. Rolled oats are usually processed to make them easier to cook and digest. They are a whole grain, packed with antioxidants, fiber, and other essential nutrients. Oats contain a variety of minerals including iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and zinc.


Making oats milk is incredibly easy. Begin by adding one cup of rolled oats to a blender. Then, fill a four-cup measuring cup with four cups of filtered water. Pour the water into the blender and blend on high speed for around one minute or until it is creamy and smooth.

Once the milk is blended, pour the mixture through a nut milk bag, cheesecloth, or other fine mesh strainer and squeeze out any excess liquid. The milk should be relatively thick and creamy. Transfer the milk to a jar or container for storage in the refrigerator for up to five days.

To make the oat milk frothy, add one cup of the strained milk to a blender with one teaspoon of sugar or any type of sweetener, and blend. The ingredients will create natural bubbles, which will create a frothy texture.

The frothy oat milk can be served as a delicious treat on its own, or used as a frothy latte or cappuccino. To make a latte or cappuccino, pour a cup of hot espresso or coffee into your favourite mug, the add the frothy oat milk and stir. Enjoy!

Health Benefits

Making oat milk at home is a healthier alternative to store-bought plant-based milk. Store-bought oat milk can contain added sugar, oils, and thickeners that could be harmful for individuals with specific dietary needs. Whereas, homemade oat milk is made from two simple ingredients, so it contains no added sugars or ingredients and is low in calories.

Oat milk is also an excellent source of plant-based proteins. It contains proteins like avenalin and avenalic acid that help keep the body energized and aid in muscle development. Oats also contain the essential omega-3 fatty acid, alpha-linolenic acid, which helps to reduce inflammation in the body and protect against chronic diseases.

In addition to the health benefits, oat milk is an environmentally-friendly option as well. Traditional milk production is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions and water pollution, while plant-based milk production has much less of an environmental impact.

Nutritional Information

Oat milk is an excellent source of nutrition and provides the body with essential vitamins and minerals. It contains no cholesterol, is naturally gluten-free, and is low in fats and calories. The following is a nutritional breakdown of one hundred milliliters of homemade oat milk:

  • Calories: 70
  • Total fat: 2.4 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 9.4 grams
  • Protein: 2.3 grams
  • Sugar: 0 grams
  • Fiber: 0.9 grams
  • Calcium: 120 milligrams
  • Potassium: 230 milligrams
  • Vitamin B6: 0.1 milligrams
  • Vitamin C: 0.1 milligrams

Tips for Making Oat Milk

Making oat milk requires minimal ingredients and equipment, but there are some tips and tricks to ensure it comes out creamy and perfect every time. Firstly, make sure to use rolled oats, also known as old-fashioned oats, and not steel-cut oats, which are much tougher and will not create a creamy or smooth milk. Secondly, use filtered or cold water, as this will help the oats bind with the water and create a smoother texture.

Additionally, make sure the blender is powerful enough to blend the oats. A powerful blender will ensure the oats are broken down completely to create a creamy texture. Lastly, if you don’t have a nut milk bag, cheesecloth, or fine-mesh strainer, you can use a piece of muslin cloth. This will help you get the desired frothy texture.

Storing Oat Milk

Homemade oat milk needs to be stored in the fridge for up to five days. To store the milk, transfer it to an airtight container and label it with the date of preparation. Keep the container in the fridge and shake it before every use. Make sure to use the milk within five days of making it.

Additionally, oat milk can be frozen for up to three months. To freeze the milk, transfer it to an airtight container and label it with the date. Place it in the freezer and thaw it overnight before use.

Uses of Oat Milk

Oat milk is a popular choice for individuals who are lactose-intolerant, vegan, or simply looking for a healthier alternative to traditional dairy milk. Oat milk is incredibly versatile and can be used for a variety of purposes. Below are some of the most common uses of oat milk:

  • Drinking: Oat milk can be enjoyed on its own or used in coffee and smoothies.
  • Baking: Oat milk can be used to make cakes, muffins and other baked goods.
  • Gătit: Laptele de ovăz este un înlocuitor excelent pentru laptele de lapte atunci când se prepară supe, sosuri și sosuri.
  • Spumare: laptele de ovăz spumează bine și poate fi folosit pentru a face cappuccino, latte și alte băuturi de cafea.

Experimentând cu Arome

Utilizarea diferitelor ingrediente aromate este o modalitate excelentă de a experimenta cu laptele de ovăz și de a crea arome unice. Pentru a face un lapte de ovăz aromat, amestecați o cană de ovăz cu patru căni de apă filtrată. Amestecă ingredientele timp de un minut sau până devine omogen și cremos. Odată ce laptele este amestecat, turnați amestecul într-o pungă de lapte de nuci, pânză de brânză sau altă strecurătoare cu plasă fină și stoarceți orice exces de lichid.

Pentru a aroma laptele de ovăz, adăugați o cană de lapte de ovăz strecurat înapoi în blender cu o lingură din aroma dorită. Aromele populare includ pudra de cacao, vanilie, extract de migdale, scorțișoară și sirop de arțar. Amestecă ingredientele până se încorporează complet. Transferați laptele de ovăz aromat într-un borcan sau recipient și păstrați-l la frigider până la cinci zile.

Utilizarea laptelui de ovăz în rețete

Laptele de ovăz poate fi folosit ca înlocuitor pentru laptele de lapte într-o gamă largă de rețete. Poate fi folosit la copt, la gătit și chiar ca înlocuitor pentru smântână în supe și sosuri. Pentru a utiliza laptele de ovăz în rețete, pur și simplu înlocuiți cantitatea de lapte cerută cu lapte de ovăz. Dacă rețeta necesită smântână, utilizați un lapte de ovăz mai gros, cum ar fi lapte de ovăz cu un procent sau plin de grăsime.

Laptele de ovăz poate fi folosit și într-o varietate de băuturi cu cafea și ceai ca alternativă fără lactate. Pentru a face un latte sau un cappuccino, pur și simplu turnați o ceașcă de espresso fierbinte sau cafea în preferatul dvs

Willie Clark

Willie D. Clark este un scriitor alimentar, specializat în produse lactate. El scrie despre produse lactate de peste 10 ani și a fost publicat într-o varietate de reviste și publicații online. Articolele sale se concentrează pe valoarea nutrițională a produselor lactate, precum și pe explorarea rețetelor interesante și modalităților de a încorpora lactatele în mese.

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